Thunderhouse Forest Services Inc.
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After more than 100 million trees planted, Thunderhouse closed its tree planting operation.  My sincere and most heart-felt thank you to everyone who made the last 26 seasons with Thunderhouse a success!!
6 Posts in 6 Topics by 28 Members
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Messages - Mrs.T.

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Thunderhouse News & Events / William Retires (?)
« on: January 14, 2016, 01:54:41 AM »
It seems that we must all finally accept that William Cheechoo is not coming back to plant.  After a lifetime run of planting longer than anyone at Thunderhouse has been on this earth (except for perhaps Brad and George), and after making plans to start as usual last year, William didn't show up on the second day which was his usual appearance.  Neither did he on day 3, 4 or thereafter.   

William re-appeared later in the summer hale and hearty with news that he was retired for sure.  Before this news we weren't convinced he was serious because after the last several seasons each time William told us he was retiring.  After all, he was getting his pension.  But then the next year he would show up on 2nd day for one last go. 

So it appears that 2015 was it; William finally retired. However...I'm waiting for 2nd day this spring just to know for sure!

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